Analysis: The Superiority complex is hurting “Equality” in Thailand

Wow, many Siamese cats are just so superior

  • by Tammy, this blog humanity journalist

There is a great deal of talk about what is occurring in Thailand is about the conflict between Royalism and Democracy. But I think underlying that conflict, is another reality-and that is a conflict between superiority and equality.

Just look around Thailand, those common Thais, shows a great deal of “Sub-service”  attitude to just not not only the rich, but the powerful as well.

But what is odd is, when it comes to people of their own peers, the common Thais believe in equality. The same thing was noted by a foreign writer, and I am sorry that I can not remember his name, but he said the Thai kids these days, when they are in front of teachers and their parents, they fall into a Sub-service attitude right away. But then when they play among themselves, they are just like kids in California or London or whatever-just equals having fun.

The point is, there is no getting away from the class system in Thailand.

Many foreigner friend of mine from Europe says the same thing goes on in many parts of Europe.

But others from American says maybe it is still a European problem but in America-that superior attitude and class system is just plainly not there.

One day New Yorker told me a story, that he went to a mall around Christmas, in his brand new Mercedes. And the parking lot was very crowded and one came up. So he dashes to it. But then a Toyota was also going for it. It ended in a big argument because the Toyata guy just got so angry at being cut off. So the security guards came and settled it. “He told me to apologies to the Toyota guy and that pretty much ruined my day but I was wrong.”

In America, the rich and powerful have their corner of refuge. But when they are out of that enclave, it is “Reality Check” time or face the consequences. Even in companies, the CEO and Directors are curbing their superiority complexes. In Thailand, a guy with five people working for him, goes and assume his superiority in a second and the rest fall into sub-service.

I mean can you imagine the same thing happening in Thailand?

But Thailand is much worse than all that I have mentioned. The superiority feeling is deeply ingrained. When kids grows up, into working adults, I have heard stories and stories about how when they were young, they were great friends, best friends, but when they assumed their status in life as adults-the friendship falls apart.

And if you do not believe me, try hanging out with the rich and powerful at a cocktail lounge or something. The rich friend, then the lesser rich friends, followed by the lesser rich friend-they all follow a “Code of Conduct.”

Then even with many of these superiority people being involved in Yoga, Meditation, Religion, Nature and Peace and all-when these sons and daughter of billionaires friends gets together-many would say they are great friends that supports each other-but one argument-and again the superiority attitude comes through right away and it is backed by “Just look at my family name and the billions behind it.”

To me, equality in Thailand is an illusion and a fleeting thing. Many say it is the same globally. But here in Thailand, apart from the political upheaval-there is no solid indication at all that it will take root. The upheaval have raised many questions about the obvious such as a double standard justice system-but culturally Thailand is set up for people to move up the superiority complex ladder-and become part of that system.

One thought on “Analysis: The Superiority complex is hurting “Equality” in Thailand

  1. Most Thai people have a inferiority complex which is masked by arrogance
    Thais are taught at a very young age not to like anyone who is not Thai.

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