Thai Culture: Pop singer who outraged Thai establishment sees income rocket

  • By Tammy, Thai Intel’s humanity journalist

Tradition and pop culture continues to clash in Thailand.

The winner, if money is the measure-is pop culture.

The Thai establishment is about “The good people who can do no wrong” where movies about Thai tradition, supported by tax payers money, that tanks at the box office and scooted off movies theater-are pushed by the government at international film festivals.

Meanwhile, Korean pop culture invades Thailand, laying to ruins Thai pop culture. There have not been a great famous Thai singer in Thailand or globally since “Tata Young.”

Who is there to rescue Thailand’s pop culture then?

Her name is something like “Itchy Ears” where when she sings, the ear actually means her pussy.

So she is just singing about a horny girl playing with herself.

The Bangkok Post calls her something like “A split personality schizophrenic.”

Yet for a mental case according to Bangkok Post, Maya Magazine, just reported that “Itchy Ears” income jumped from about US$150 a gig, to what Maya Magazine says, is in the US$ 30,000 range.

But “Itchy Ears” does not just sing about itchy pussy, and so when “Itchy Ears” sings, she will wear a bikini, and goes scratching her pussy.

And she got her start, by doing small gigs far away from Bangkok, in the province-most of the time, at very small gig like party.

There is nothing new to what “Itchy Ears” did-all over Thailand, at small parties and gatherings, gigs that are about 100 times more pornographic happens all the time.

And if one was to go to Soi Cowboy, Patpong or Nana, Thailand’s night-life center, and comes across “Itchy Ears” you would say something like “F-cking Boring.”

But someone, put “Itchy Ears” performance on the internet-and the hit was in the 100,000s.

Then the Thai establishment stepped in.

Woody, a TV host, who last year sat on the floor with a princess dog-to munch on dog food with the princes dog, at the foot of the princess to show respect-invited Itchy Ears to the program.

What happened is a sad story-Woody tore into “Itch Ears” so much so that she cried on the program, saying she is doing it for money to support her family.

Thais who watch Woody’s interview freaked out, over Woody’s maximum attack interview.

The result? “Itchy Ears” internet post rocketed up to about a million hits.

Soon after, a major music studio offered her a contract.

Her new song? It is something like “Do Not Forget Your Ears.”

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