Democracy: Thai internal security apparatus gets US$300 million ahead of election or coup

Just a brief note:

The Thai cabinet just approved about US$300 million for the notoriously political Thai internal security apparatus.

A coup or an election is right around the corner-and the mostly “Secret Fund” is now available for any type of operations!

The fund could be used for anything-from helping the Democrat Party win the votes with “Pacifying” the Red Shirts who supports the opposition, to even for buying of false witness to testify against the Pheu Thai Party, in the very much anticipated party dissolution if the party wins

Right after lest year crackdown on the Red Shirts, the Thai government allocated funds for the internal security apparatus to “Pacify” the Red Shirts.

The apparatus, thus used psychological warfare soldiers and went to visit just about every village and house in Thailand, with members known to be Red Shirts-in an operation that most that went through said was just plain “Strong Arm Tactic” mixed in with propaganda to support the royalist, elite and military rulers of Thailand.

The Red Shirts recently said that heading into the election, if there is one, the internal security apparatus is upping its activity again-in going to meet villagers-in trying to “Pacify” them again.

Of note also is that yesterday, the apparatus led the police on a raid and closure of about 13 Red Shirts community radio stations.

Thailand’s freedom of expression now is about the same as in China and Burma-according to many rankings.

  • In fact, the word going around the globe is that Thailand and Burma today, is mostly the same-with the ruling elite, intention of using an illegitimate election to legitimize itself.

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