Democracy: 1) The 2006 Coup & Nation News promotes “Sexy women cause rape” talk

  • By Tammy, Thai Intel’s humanity journalist

I really do not know why I am following Nation chief editor, Yoon, Twitter.

  • But perhaps I have been in Thailand way too long, and my standard have fallen to just follow any shit-head, like Yoon that comes around-just because they are a mover and shaker in Thailand.

But well, Sunday, was the 5th anniversary of the 2006 coup, and the discussion on the coup-as to what it means, still goes on, even today.

And on Twitter, Yoon, have been promoting a so called “Hot political debate group” meeting to discuss, if a “sexy dressed women cause rape” right during the 5th year anniversary of the 2006 coup.

I saw him tweet about this meeting, all day.

If you are not Thai, you might not get the connection, between the 2006 coup and Yoon’s rape discussion-but here in Thailand, the 2006 coup was widely supported, as having been caused by a “Bad Behavior” elected government.

So what Yoon is trying to say, off course, is that the coup, like rape, was a reaction-to a bad behavior of the victim.

  • Off course, Yoon is a total fucked-up idiot, to fail to grasp that a women dressing sexy is not illegal, but rape is an illegal violent crime. Then he is also so fucked-up, he fail to grasp that the Taksin government, no matter what it was, came from a free election and was legal-and those who staged the coup, had to write into the coup constitution-a clause to forgive the coup makers.

And guess what, the Thai establishment, calls themselves the “Good People” of Thailand, and the poor are “Too Stupid to Vote.”

  • So like what now-off course, it is OK for the Good People to rape the Bad People.

The same attitude is shared by the Democrat Party.

On the day of the 2006 coup anniversary, a high level Democrat Party MP, Twittered that he does not agree with the coup, but said, quote: “You have to not let the condition for coup occur also.”

That off course, is the exactly same thing, the Multi-Color Shirt, a very royalist and nationalist extremist group here in Thailand, said at a seminar on Sunday, that quote: “The coup was the result of evil Taksin.”

The Nation Group, in fact, has a journalist Pravit, who days after the 2006 coup, wrote a report that was against the coup-and was told by her editors at the Nation Group, that her article will not be published.

Then off course, the Nation Group, has that editor Thanong, who made a comment about the current French financial difficulties by saying, quote:

  • “The birth place of Democracy is going down. Democracy is not the answer, but the end.”

And Yoon, as Thai Intel have been saying and saying, is nothing but the propagandist for the Democrat Party.

Published on July 21, 2010

A female red-shirt supporter who was sexually assaulted two months ago, was attacked in the heart of Bangkok yesterday while on her way to follow up on investigation into her rape complaint.

The victim, 39, was about to cross a road in front of the Hua Lamphong train station when a black-clad man in a crash helmet lunged forward and punched her in the face. She fell down and could do nothing as he fled the scene.

“There were many witnesses,” she said. “They said the attacker had been hanging around there since early morning”.

The woman said she was on her way to visit the nearby Pheu Thai Party headquarters to check on progress of the rape case.

In her original complaint, she said a group of men in military-style camouflage sexually assaulted her on the night of May 15 on a street near the MBK shopping complex. The next day, she lodged a complaint with Pathumwan police and underwent physical examination that confirmed the attack.

The victim said she now feared for her safety.

She has frequently changed her accommodation to avoid intimidation. “I don’t know what to do,” she said. “Sometimes, I think about committing suicide”.

She said being a red shirt and rape victim made it difficult to find a job.

Pheu Thai spokesman Promphong Nopparit said the party was considering providing her with a safe house and other assistance.

“We are trying to protect and help her as much as we can,” he said.

Nopparit said the rape complaint had been transferred from the Pathumwan Police Station to the Department of Special Investigation “but there has been no progress yet”, he said.

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