Human Rights: With Amnesty International, HRW and UN total Thai failure, “A New Global Body?”

  • by Tammy, Thai Intel humanity journalist

Just look at Thailand! And ask yourself, why is no one doing anything about the repression here.

Globally, trditionally, there are Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the United Nations-with all more or less are the protector of the universal declaration of human rights.

But have they failed in Thailand? And if they have failed, what is the cause and the solution.

  • Amnesty International?

There have been a great deal of writings and research done on Amnesty International position in Thailand-but to summarize them, Amnesty International is under the influence of Thai Royalism.

The London based Amnesty International where the EU says lese majeste is not a just cause-and counter that with the fact that since the year before the 2006 coup when the royalist rose, lese majeste in Thailand is up 13,000% (no error here) then just take a look at what is going on currently in Thailand-and the question “Where is Amnesty International” comes to mind.

Where is Amnesty Internationsl? It said it prefer private consultation with the Thai government.

  • The United Nations?

Then what is there to say about the United Nations position on human rights in Thailand-with the United Nations crawling with Thai royalist.

Example, just take a look at UNTAD and the Human Rights organization at the UN and how the Thai royalty is involved with the UN.

  • Human Rights Watch?

Then Human Rights Watch, well, what can be said, as Thai Intel wrote before, it had failed to watch human rights in Thailand.

During last April crackdwn on the Red Shirts, HRW took a totally neutral position, calling for all sides to stop violence-not condemning the Thai military. The fact is, 100,000s bullets were used by the military in the crackdown, while the Red Shirts made due with what little defenses they had.

There was never parity of foce-it was simply a massacre that HRW failed to recognized.

Clearly, given the level of repression in Thailand, all 3 have failed here.

But what Thai Intel really wants to point out, is not the sickening level of oppression that is going on in Thailand-to which Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the UN is doing nothing about-but that repression in the modern world is getting very sophisticated.

What Thai Intel means, is that what ever mechanism Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the UN has, it is failing to detect and send off an alarm about Thailand.

That means the mechanism has failed to keep up with the type of repression a society like Thailand practices. And this is taking the positive view that all three actually cares about Thailand and the universal declaration of human rights.

The question to ask is therefore, can the people of the globe create a new mechanism, as effective as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the UN of the past, to match and meet the challenges of  the advancement of repression.

One thought on “Human Rights: With Amnesty International, HRW and UN total Thai failure, “A New Global Body?”

  1. Someone should arrange for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be printed in Thai in small booklets and handed out free en masse.

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